Est dérivée de ClientGS.
| __init__ (self, ID, my_pos_getter, ip="", port=_BEACON_PORT) |
Inherit from GlobalSync client and run on the robots in order to give our pos to the other
ClientGS (class): GlobalSync client
◆ __init__()
robot_client.RobotClient.__init__ |
( |
| self, |
| ID, |
| my_pos_getter, |
| ip = "", |
| port = _BEACON_PORT ) |
Init the client
ID (int): my robot id
my_pos_getter (function): my position getter (ex : wheeledbase.get_position())
ip (str, optional): server ip. Defaults to "".
port (int, optional): server port. Defaults to _BEACON_PORT.
◆ _get_my_pos()
robot_client.RobotClient._get_my_pos |
( |
| self | ) |
protected |
Return my pos from the wheeledbase
[type]: [description]
La documentation de cette classe a été générée à partir du fichier suivant :
- C:/Users/boris/Desktop/robotique/team2024/raspberrypi/beacons/